Dr. Jun Huang got the sponsorship from National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (2013)

编辑: Date:2013/11/20

By combining biochemical and molecular biological approaches, Dr. Huang has made a series of high-impact discoveries through his investigations into the molecular mechanisms underlying genomic instability and tumorigenesis. From 2006 to 2009, Dr. Huang and his colleagues have discovered and studied many new components involved in DSB repair pathways, including CCDC98, RAD18 and the new single-stranded DNA-binding complex SOSS. These findings, published in the prestigious journal Nature Structural & Molecular Biology、Nature Cell Biology and Molecular Cell, respectively, will significantly advance cancer research and, in turn, potential treatments. In 2010, Dr. Huang returned to China as a professor at the LSI, Zhejiang University. His research interests focus on the regulation of pathways involved in DNA Cross-Link repair and homologous recombination repair. In recent work, Dr. Huang and his colleagues has discovered a key enzyme termed FAN1 (Fanconi anemia-associated nuclease 1) which plays critical roles in repairing DNA cross-linking damage. More recently, his group identified a novel protein designated SPIDR (Scaffolding Protein Involved in DNA Repair) as the link between the Bloom's syndrome helicase and homologous recombination repair. These findings, published in the top journal Science and PNAS respectively, will give scientists a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying Fanconi anemia and Bloom's syndrome. Since 2006, Dr. Huang has authored or co-authored more than 15 papers in peer-reviewed journals.