Life Sciences Institute (LSI) was founded in October 2009 as a special academic zone of Zhejiang University (ZJU) for building innovation and entrepreneurship, based on the state-of-the-art creative operation mechanism, outstanding scientists selected from internationally highly competitive applicants, and the traditional strengths in biological sciences of ZJU. The Director takes executive charge of the daily operations of LSI, under the leadership of the university President.
The mission of LSI is to conduct original, cutting-edge research in a multi/inter-disciplinary manner, to understand the fundamental mechanism of life, to integrate basic biological studies with clinical research on major diseases, and to improve health care that is vital to the nation’s well-being. Currently, LSI focuses on cancer biology, cell biology, stem cell and developmental biology, and systems biology. LSI has established five research centers including Center for Cancer Biology and Medicine, Center for Regenerative Medicine, Center for Inflammation Biology, Center for Systems Biology, and Center for Structural Biology.
The Principal Investigators (PIs) are selected from an internationally highly competitive applicant pool by LSI Faculty Search Committee that evaluates the applicants and recommends candidates for interview. And the PIs head laboratories in their specialties under the advisory of Academic Committee. LSI plans to appoint a total of 45 PIs.
Following the spirit of Seeking the Truth and Pioneering New Trails of ZJU, LSI looks forward to becoming a world-class institution in biological sciences.

